Àlpico Rising ALpine Companion English  
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Benefits and specifications Àlpico... when Users' comments  

The best "why use Àlpico" comes from a backcountry skier from USA; in his contact mail he wrote:

"Last week I had a close call while backcountry skiing when I fell onto a very steep ice face and wished I had brought my ice axe. I would like to buy one of your folding ice axes"

He shoul have had his ice axe, true, but how many times the piolet il left at home or, even if carried, is stored inside the backpack! Cause is rarely used...
And, even if it is it the right position, hung on the back of the backpack not to be wounded in case of fall, when you need it it is not close at hand.

When the going gets tough, in dangerous situations... the piolet is essential!
Not having it or having it but in a not easily reachable position can make the difference between safety and... a great danger.

That's the fundamental "why" of Àlpico, the only foldable ice axe in the world. Because is there and it is easy to be grabbed when you need it, it "disappears" when you don't need it.

Video about the benefits of using Àlpico

Traditional vs Àlpico  

Àlpico vs traditional piolet, on field video comparison. It shows why Àlpico can increase your safety on the mountains.

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Sequenza apertura

Drawing Àlpico takes less than 10 seconds...

Custodia Àlpico's hard wearing case
Àlpico chiusa Àlpico folded (37 cm)
Àlpico aperta Àlpico opened (60 cm)
Aprire Àlpico How to open Àlpico